
A Conversation with Mirna Manteca on Cross-Border Conservation
Mirna Manteca, our Northeast Mexico Program Co-Director, grew up in the borderlands of the U.S. and Mexico. She brings a personal perspective to her work, seeing across political borders to a connected bi-national community of people and wildlife.

Border Wall Settlement Presents Significant Opportunity to Study Wildlife Connectivity Between the U.S. and Mexico
Last week, the Sierra Club announced its long-awaited settlement in its case Sierra Club vs. Biden, which marks a monumental victory for wildlife and borderland communities impacted by illegal wall construction.

Resilvestrar las tierras fronterizas: Devolviendo jaguares y ocelotes a su tierra natal

Rewilding at the Borderlands: Returning Jaguars and Ocelots to Their Native Land

Drone Footage Reveals Complete Removal of Arizona’s Rogue Border Wall
New aerial video gathered by Wildlands Network confirms that ex-Arizona Governor Doug Ducey’s shipping container border wall has been removed in its entirety from the San Rafael Valley.
Check out a map of Arizona’s rouge shipping container border wall

Groups Launch Remote Camera Study in San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge
New report highlights priority restoration areas along U.S.-Mexico border

American Scar: Watch The New Yorker’s Border Wall Documentary

Now is the Time to Think about Reintroducing Jaguars into the U.S.

Wildlands Network applauds decision to cancel U.S.-Mexico border wall

Scientists Identify Large Swath of Potential Habitat for Jaguar in Arizona and New Mexico

5 Things We’re Looking Forward to in 2021

The Border Wall’s Cascading Impacts on Wildlife

In the Name of the Law, Tear Down this Border Wall

Despite Coronavirus, Trump’s Border Wall Continues

How Border Walls Alter the Evolutionary History of North America