Browse our reports, storymaps and press releases for a deeper look into Wildlands Network’s insights and impact. These resources can be viewed and downloaded.
New research: U.S.-Mexico Border Wall Severely Impacts Movements of Large Wildlife, Reducing Successful Wildlife Crossings by 86%
New Research, U.S.-Mexico Border Wall Severely Impacts Movements of Large Wildlife, Reducing Successful Wildlife Crossings by 86%
California Senate Moves to Improve Wildlife Connectivity With Room to Roam Act
California Senate Moves to Improve Wildlife Connectivity With Room to Roam Act
The California Senate passed a bill today that would require cities and counties to protect wildlife connectivity in their land-use plans. The Room to Roam Act, Assembly Bill 1889, directs local officials to minimize harm to wildlife movement as part of their long-term planning and offers development guidelines such as incorporating wildlife-friendly fencing and lighting.
Sonora 30x30. Tercera edición, enero 2024
Sonora 30x30. Reporte sobre la superficie conservada de Sonora y propuesta para la implementación de la iniciativa 30x30 en el estado. tercera edición, 2024
Connecting California: An Interactive Map of Wildlife Crossings Across the State
Wildlands Network has created the first interactive map of wildlife crossings across California.
Wildlife Habitat Connectivity in Whatcom County, Washington
This report by Wildlands Network describes a novel set of geospatial connectivity analyses that provide information about the current state of wildlife habitat connectivity in Whatcom County.
Spatial models of jaguar energy expenditure in response to border wall construction and remediation
The construction of a wall at the United States-Mexico border is known to impede and deter movement of terrestrial wildlife between the two countries. One such species is the jaguar, in its northernmost range in the borderlands of Arizona and Sonora.
Cuidar Lo Que Importa: Presupuesto para el Ambiente 2023
Análisis del Proyecto de Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación (PPEF) para el cuidado de las áreas naturales protegidas.
Propuesta para la Implementación de la Iniciativa 30x30 en Sonora
Especialistas de Wildlands Network alertan que sólo el 10.6% de la superficie del estado se encuentra bajo algún esquema de protección legal.
Building Resilience for Ecological Recovery and Community Wellbeing
Future Forests Reimagined is a transboundary initiative to protect and restore old forests of the present, and to plan for future old forests and ecologically-managed forests in the Northern Appalachian-Acadian-Wabanaki (NAPAW) bioregion of Canada and the United States.
Border Wall Restoration Site Reports
Wildlands Network has identified areas along the border wall whose restoration should be prioritized both for the health of the land and the wildlife that call the region home.
Research Results and Mitigation Strategies to Improve Wildlife Connectivity and Human Safety along I-40 in the Pigeon River Gorge
Wildlands Network conducted multifaceted field research along I-40 to meet a variety of objectives for our target species of black bear, elk, and white-tailed deer.
Negotiating the Right-of-Way Between Humans and Wildlife | TEDxAsheville
How do you feel about roadkill?
It’s gross. It’s sad. It’s expensive. But it’s preventable.