5 Things We’re Looking Forward to in 2021


Despite the ups and downs of the past year, we have much to look forward to in 2021. Here are some of the exciting plans Wildlands Network has in the works for this year:

1. Advancing the Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives as a bipartisan solution to the biodiversity crisis.

2. Designing new wildlife bridges to create safe pathways for wildlife across many North American highways. Our team has been collecting and analyzing data that will inform practical solutions to make our roadways safer for people and wildlife.

3. Capturing new photographic evidence of jaguars in northern Mexico to inform conservation strategies for this elusive species. Our team in Mexico is poised to embark on a large-scale field camera study that will lead to long-term conservation of these carnivores.

4. Restoring connectivity for wildlife in the Borderlands by supporting actions to remove or reduce sections of the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. With the new year comes new U.S. leadership, and we look forward to working to connect wildlife habitat that spans across political boundaries.

5. Expanding our conservation program work into Canada to advance our continental vision in all three countries of North America.

We look forward to sharing more updates about this innovative and exciting work—stay tuned!

Thank you to more than 300 donors who contributed to our 2020 year-end fundraising goal. If you’d like to join us in conserving wildlife and wild spaces we cherish in 2021, please consider making a tax-deductible donation.

Katie Davis

Katie Davis is the Executive Director of Wildlands Network.


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