
An Action-Packed Year of Advancing State Legislation
Wildlands Network is celebrating an action-packed year of stewarding state wildlife crossing and environmental legislation across the finish line in the United States and Mexico.

California Approves Millions for Wildlife Crossing Project Near Mammoth Lakes
California’s Wildlife Conservation Board recently unanimously approved a $3.17 million grant for the Mammoth Lakes 395 Wildlife Crossing Project, which will increase habitat connectivity along highway 395 and reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions between Mammoth Lakes and Crowley Lake.

The Bureau of Land Management Directs State Offices to “Explicitly Consider Habitat Connectivity” in Land Management Planning
The Bureau of Land Management (the BLM) announced one of the more inclusive and forward-thinking federal land management policies dedicated to restoring habitat connectivity in almost a decade.
Studying rare carnivores in northern New Mexico
Wildlands Network and partners launch study to determine presence and distribution of Pacific marten and Canada Lynx

Watch new film ‘The Search for Safe Passage’

Wildlife Connectivity Bill Becomes Law in California

Remembering Dave Foreman, an “Unapologetic Warrior for Nature”

Más Áreas Naturales Protegidas y Menos Recursos Públicos para su Conservación
El proyecto de Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación para 2023 (PPEF 2023) que el Poder Ejecutivo presentó el pasado 8 de septiembre continúa con una tendencia decreciente para el cuidado y conservación de las áreas naturales protegidas, patrimonio natural de México.

Groups Launch Remote Camera Study in San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge

New Research Reveals North Carolina’s Top 20 Priority Sites for Wildlife Road Crossings

California Senate Passes Safe Roads Bill, Putting Statewide Wildlife Connectivity Within Reach

Arizona Jaguar “El Jefe” Reappears in Central Sonora
A jaguar who roamed Arizona’s Santa Rita Mountains as recently as 2015 was recently spotted again in central Sonora, nearly seven years since he was last recorded.
New report highlights priority restoration areas along U.S.-Mexico border

Visualizing mitigation strategies to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions—what does it even look like?
During the early phases of Wildlands Network and NPCA’s research, the North Carolina Department of Transportation announced a plan to replace 5 bridges along I-40. Construction is wrapping up on the first of the five, that has incorporated wildlife crossing enhancements, at Harmon Den.
A Photo Journey through the Northern Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range

Blueprint for preventing wildlife traffic collisions near Great Smoky Mountains National Park unveiled
Wildlands Network conducted multifaceted field research along I-40 to meet a variety of objectives for our target species of black bear, elk, and white-tailed deer. Read the report.

Wildlands Network Wraps Up First Webinar Series to Demystify Wildlife Crossing Projects
From April to June, Wildlands Network held three webinars on wildlife infrastructure projects in partnership with ARC Solutions, the Center for Large Landscape Conservation, and the National Parks Conservation Association.
Half-Earth Resolution Honors E.O. Wilson’s Legacy

Sonoran Congress Improves Legal Framework for Mexico’s Private Protected Areas
Earlier this week, the Congress of Sonora unanimously approved a bill to modify environmental and municipal tax laws that will conserve private land across the Mexican state.