
NOSSA’s 2025 Report on Mexico’s Protected Areas: Insights From Gina Chacón

Our Top 5 Stories of 2024
Frontline Heroes: Defending the Endangered Thick-Billed Parrot From Wildfires

In Mexico, Wildlife Crossings Aren’t Just Helpful – They're Urgent
The Real Right of Conservation: How Sonora’s Law Reforms Could Shape Voluntary Nature Protection in Mexico

A Conversation with Mirna Manteca on Cross-Border Conservation
Mirna Manteca, our Northeast Mexico Program Co-Director, grew up in the borderlands of the U.S. and Mexico. She brings a personal perspective to her work, seeing across political borders to a connected bi-national community of people and wildlife.

Mapping Mexico: Telling Stories Untold

Resilvestrar las tierras fronterizas: Devolviendo jaguares y ocelotes a su tierra natal

Rewilding at the Borderlands: Returning Jaguars and Ocelots to Their Native Land

Todos a una - La propuesta del tren Ímuris
Amid towns, agriculture, highways, interstates, rail ways, pipelines, and a border wall, the Sky Islands connect a politically divided landscape between Sonora in northern Mexico and southern Arizona in the United States.

All for One – The Ímuris Train Proposal
Entre ciudades, agricultura, autopistas, carreteras interestatales, vías férreas, oleoductos y un muro fronterizo, las Islas del Cielo conectan un paisaje políticamente dividido entre Sonora, en el norte de México, y el sur de Arizona, en Estados Unidos.

A Feat for Monarchs: Mexico’s Mining Ban in Natural Protected Areas
A Conversation With Gina Chacon About Prohibiting New Mining Within Mexico’s Natural Protected Areas
From coordinating a multi-pronged coalition to serving as a subject matter expert in official meetings, Gina Chacon has been instrumental in promoting a bill proposed by the Federal Executive Branch that would ban new mines in Natural Protected Areas.

While the World Adopts 30x30, in Sonora Only 10.6% of the Surface Area is Protected

Más Áreas Naturales Protegidas y Menos Recursos Públicos para su Conservación
El proyecto de Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación para 2023 (PPEF 2023) que el Poder Ejecutivo presentó el pasado 8 de septiembre continúa con una tendencia decreciente para el cuidado y conservación de las áreas naturales protegidas, patrimonio natural de México.

Arizona Jaguar “El Jefe” Reappears in Central Sonora
A jaguar who roamed Arizona’s Santa Rita Mountains as recently as 2015 was recently spotted again in central Sonora, nearly seven years since he was last recorded.

Sonoran Congress Improves Legal Framework for Mexico’s Private Protected Areas
Earlier this week, the Congress of Sonora unanimously approved a bill to modify environmental and municipal tax laws that will conserve private land across the Mexican state.

Puma Survives, Hit by Vehicle on Mexico’s Federal Highway 15

Third Time's a Charm: Protecting Sonora's Sierra Huérfana
After waiting 30 years the community of Pueblo de Álamos may finally be able to conserve the Sierra Huérfana.