Wildlands Network Commends 30×30 Executive Order

In anticipation of President Biden’s Executive Order establishing a “30×30” land and water protection goal and government response to climate change, Wildlands Network released the following statement:

“We commend President Biden for setting clear goals and showing a commitment to lead the United States forward during this time of environmental crisis.

“Protecting 30 percent of land and water in the United States by 2030, while ambitious, is feasible and critically important to maintain biodiversity and mitigate the impacts of a changing climate. For 30 years, Wildlands Network has worked to develop the tools needed to address our planet’s challenges — not least of which are enforceable policies that protect and connect habitat and movement corridors for wildlife.

“We look forward to working with the Biden Administration and other partners to secure enduring protection for landscapes across America in support of this bold objective.”

Read Wildlands Network Chief Scientist Dr. Ron Sutherland’s response to the Executive OrderWhat Could 30×30 Look Like for Wildlife Habitat?

Danielle Fisher, Communications Manager
danielle@wildlandsnetwork.org, 202-280-8318


What Could 30×30 Look Like for Wildlife Habitat?


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