Our Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Our Stance
By ensuring that diverse stakeholders and perspectives are represented in our efforts, Wildlands Network aims to align with the shifting demographics within the countries in which we work. Our organization places a high value on biodiversity and coexistence with other species and agrees we should value and reflect cultural diversity as well.
We recognize this requires intentional internal reflection about our language(s), actions and spaces in support of this goal. Equally important is external outreach seeking authentic engagement around Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) issues.
In general, many minorities and members of marginalized groups are underrepresented in conservation efforts; Wildlands Network strives to be innovative in helping reverse this reality. An organization that wishes to be diverse, equitable and inclusive must be proactive, while adaptive and receptive to feedback that prompts us to re-evaluate our policies and actions.
Aspirations and Actions
Wildlands Network continuously seeks ways to strengthen our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion. Currently, our EDI committee is developing a critical framework that will guide our work to be more just and broad. We believe building an inclusive community is the only way to deepen our work and create a reconnected North America for everyone.
Please see our 2021 Annual Report to learn more.
Our EDI Committee
David Steen
Gina Chacon
Katie Davis