Quarantine Reading for the Nature Lover’s Soul

Like us, you’re probably stuck at home right now, scrolling endlessly through newsfeeds. Let us instead suggest you turn off the screen and tune into the amazing work of some of Wildlands Network’s founders.

Since 1991, Wildlands Network has held a bold, long-term vision for preserving reconnecting nature across North America, and our philosophy has been well-documented by our founders and supporters alike. Island Press, the go-to hub of intellectual and conservation literature for decades,  has published of a plethora of writing reflecting our core mission of over the years. Now’s a great time to tap into their extensive library and find out more about the visionary ideas that drive our work—and why, now more than ever, sustaining a healthy and biodiverse natural world is paramount.

Danielle Fisher

Danielle is the Communications Manager at Wildlands Network.


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